API Definition
Official SDKs
Gate's API definitions are hosted on buf.build/minekube/gate, where you can directly pull client libraries using your preferred language's package manager:
syntax = "proto3";
package minekube.gate.v1;
// GateService is the service API for managing a Gate proxy instance.
// It provides methods for managing players and servers.
// All methods follow standard gRPC error codes and include detailed error messages.
service GateService {
// GetPlayer returns the player by the given id or username.
// Returns NOT_FOUND if the player is not online.
// Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if neither id nor username is provided, or if the id format is invalid.
rpc GetPlayer(GetPlayerRequest) returns (GetPlayerResponse);
// ListPlayers returns all online players.
// If servers are specified in the request, only returns players on those servers.
rpc ListPlayers(ListPlayersRequest) returns (ListPlayersResponse);
// ListServers returns all registered servers.
rpc ListServers(ListServersRequest) returns (ListServersResponse);
// RegisterServer adds a server to the proxy.
// Returns ALREADY_EXISTS if a server with the same name is already registered.
// Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the server name or address is invalid.
rpc RegisterServer(RegisterServerRequest) returns (RegisterServerResponse);
// UnregisterServer removes a server from the proxy.
// Returns NOT_FOUND if no matching server is found.
// Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if neither name nor address is provided.
rpc UnregisterServer(UnregisterServerRequest) returns (UnregisterServerResponse);
// ConnectPlayer connects a player to a specified server.
// Returns NOT_FOUND if either the player or target server doesn't exist.
// Returns FAILED_PRECONDITION if the connection attempt fails.
rpc ConnectPlayer(ConnectPlayerRequest) returns (ConnectPlayerResponse);
// DisconnectPlayer disconnects a player from the proxy.
// Returns NOT_FOUND if the player doesn't exist.
// Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the reason text is malformed.
rpc DisconnectPlayer(DisconnectPlayerRequest) returns (DisconnectPlayerResponse);
// DisconnectPlayerRequest is the request for DisconnectPlayer method.
message DisconnectPlayerRequest {
// The player's username or ID to disconnect
string player = 1;
// The reason displayed to the player when they are disconnected.
// Formats:
// - `{"text":"Hello, world!"}` - JSON text component. See https://wiki.vg/Text_formatting for details.
// - `§aHello,\n§bworld!` - Simple color codes. See https://wiki.vg/Text_formatting#Colors
// Optional, if empty no reason will be shown.
string reason = 2;
// DisconnectPlayerResponse is the response for DisconnectPlayer method.
message DisconnectPlayerResponse {}
// ConnectPlayerRequest is the request for ConnectPlayer method.
message ConnectPlayerRequest {
// The player's username or ID to connect
string player = 1;
// The target server name to connect the player to
string server = 2;
// ConnectPlayerResponse is the response for ConnectPlayer method.
message ConnectPlayerResponse {}
// RegisterServerRequest is the request for RegisterServer method.
message RegisterServerRequest {
// The unique name of the server
string name = 1;
// The network address of the server (e.g. "localhost:25565")
string address = 2;
// RegisterServerResponse is the response for RegisterServer method.
message RegisterServerResponse {}
// UnregisterServerRequest is the request for UnregisterServer method.
message UnregisterServerRequest {
// The name of the server.
// Optional, if not set, the address will be used to match servers.
string name = 1;
// The address of the server.
// Optional, if not set, the name will be used to match servers.
// If both name and address are set, only the server that matches both properties exactly will be unregistered.
// If only the address is set, the first server matching that address will be unregistered.
string address = 2;
// UnregisterServerResponse is the response for UnregisterServer method.
message UnregisterServerResponse {}
// ListServersRequest is the request for ListServers method.
message ListServersRequest {}
// ListServersResponse is the response for ListServers method.
message ListServersResponse {
repeated Server servers = 1;
// Server represents a backend server where Gate can connect players to.
message Server {
// The unique name of the server.
string name = 1;
// The network address of the server.
string address = 2;
// The number of players currently on the server.
int32 players = 3;
// GetPlayerRequest is the request for GetPlayer method.
message GetPlayerRequest {
// Gets the player by their Minecraft UUID.
// Optional, if not set the username will be used.
// If both id and username are set, the id will be used.
// Must be a valid Minecraft UUID format (e.g. "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000")
string id = 1;
// Gets the player by their username.
// Optional, if not set the id will be used.
// Case-sensitive.
string username = 2;
// GetPlayerResponse is the response for GetPlayer method.
message GetPlayerResponse {
// The player matching the request criteria
Player player = 1;
// ListPlayersRequest is the request for ListPlayers method.
message ListPlayersRequest {
// Filter players by server names.
// Optional, if empty all online players are returned.
// If specified, only returns players on the listed servers.
repeated string servers = 1;
// ListPlayersResponse is the response for ListPlayers method.
message ListPlayersResponse {
repeated Player players = 1;
// Player represents an online player on the proxy.
message Player {
// The player's Minecraft UUID
string id = 1;
// The player's username
string username = 2;
Protocol Documentation
Table of Contents
ConnectPlayerRequest is the request for ConnectPlayer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
player | string | The player's username or ID to connect | |
server | string | The target server name to connect the player to |
ConnectPlayerResponse is the response for ConnectPlayer method.
DisconnectPlayerRequest is the request for DisconnectPlayer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
player | string | The player's username or ID to disconnect | |
reason | string | The reason displayed to the player when they are disconnected. |
{"text":"Hello, world!"}
- JSON text component. See https://wiki.vg/Text_formatting for details.§aHello,\n§bworld!
- Simple color codes. See https://wiki.vg/Text_formatting#Colors
Optional, if empty no reason will be shown. |
DisconnectPlayerResponse is the response for DisconnectPlayer method.
GetPlayerRequest is the request for GetPlayer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Gets the player by their Minecraft UUID. Optional, if not set the username will be used. If both id and username are set, the id will be used. Must be a valid Minecraft UUID format (e.g. "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000") | |
username | string | Gets the player by their username. Optional, if not set the id will be used. Case-sensitive. |
GetPlayerResponse is the response for GetPlayer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
player | Player | The player matching the request criteria |
ListPlayersRequest is the request for ListPlayers method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
servers | string | repeated | Filter players by server names. Optional, if empty all online players are returned. If specified, only returns players on the listed servers. |
ListPlayersResponse is the response for ListPlayers method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
players | Player | repeated |
ListServersRequest is the request for ListServers method.
ListServersResponse is the response for ListServers method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
servers | Server | repeated |
Player represents an online player on the proxy.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | The player's Minecraft UUID | |
username | string | The player's username |
RegisterServerRequest is the request for RegisterServer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The unique name of the server | |
address | string | The network address of the server (e.g. "localhost:25565") |
RegisterServerResponse is the response for RegisterServer method.
Server represents a backend server where Gate can connect players to.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The unique name of the server. | |
address | string | The network address of the server. | |
players | int32 | The number of players currently on the server. |
UnregisterServerRequest is the request for UnregisterServer method.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the server. Optional, if not set, the address will be used to match servers. | |
address | string | The address of the server. Optional, if not set, the name will be used to match servers. If both name and address are set, only the server that matches both properties exactly will be unregistered. If only the address is set, the first server matching that address will be unregistered. |
UnregisterServerResponse is the response for UnregisterServer method.
GateService is the service API for managing a Gate proxy instance. It provides methods for managing players and servers. All methods follow standard gRPC error codes and include detailed error messages.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetPlayer | GetPlayerRequest | GetPlayerResponse | GetPlayer returns the player by the given id or username. Returns NOT_FOUND if the player is not online. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if neither id nor username is provided, or if the id format is invalid. |
ListPlayers | ListPlayersRequest | ListPlayersResponse | ListPlayers returns all online players. If servers are specified in the request, only returns players on those servers. |
ListServers | ListServersRequest | ListServersResponse | ListServers returns all registered servers. |
RegisterServer | RegisterServerRequest | RegisterServerResponse | RegisterServer adds a server to the proxy. Returns ALREADY_EXISTS if a server with the same name is already registered. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the server name or address is invalid. |
UnregisterServer | UnregisterServerRequest | UnregisterServerResponse | UnregisterServer removes a server from the proxy. Returns NOT_FOUND if no matching server is found. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if neither name nor address is provided. |
ConnectPlayer | ConnectPlayerRequest | ConnectPlayerResponse | ConnectPlayer connects a player to a specified server. Returns NOT_FOUND if either the player or target server doesn't exist. Returns FAILED_PRECONDITION if the connection attempt fails. |
DisconnectPlayer | DisconnectPlayerRequest | DisconnectPlayerResponse | DisconnectPlayer disconnects a player from the proxy. Returns NOT_FOUND if the player doesn't exist. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the reason text is malformed. |