Gate provides a powerful event system that allows you to listen to and modify events that occur in the proxy.
Subscribing to Events
Events are a way to communicate between different parts between your code and Gate. They are a way to decouple Gate from your own application code and make it more flexible.
Checkout the Simple Proxy for more examples.
package developers
import (
func SubscribeExample(p *proxy.Proxy) {
// Get the event manager.
mgr := p.Event()
// Subscribe to an event.
const priority = 0
event.Subscribe(mgr, priority, func(e *proxy.PreLoginEvent) {
// Kicks every player
e.Deny(&component.Text{Content: "Sorry, the server is in maintenance."})
Available Events
Available Events
See source on GitHub.
package proxy
import (
// PingEvent is fired when a request for server information is sent by a remote client,
// or when the server sends the MOTD and favicon to the client after a successful login.
// The proxy will wait on this event to finish firing before delivering the results to
// the remote client, but you are urged to handle this event as quickly as possible when
// handling this event due to the amount of ping packets a client can send.
type PingEvent struct {
inbound Inbound
ping *ping.ServerPing
// Connection returns the inbound connection.
func (p *PingEvent) Connection() Inbound {
return p.inbound
// Ping returns the used ping. (pre-initialized by the proxy)
func (p *PingEvent) Ping() *ping.ServerPing {
// SetPing sets the ping response to use.
func (p *PingEvent) SetPing(ping *ping.ServerPing) { = ping
// ConnectionEventConn tracks whether Close was called on the connection.
type ConnectionEventConn interface {
Closed() bool // Whether Close was called.
// ConnectionEvent is fired when a client connects with the proxy.
// It can be used for low-level connection handling, modifying or closing the connection.
// This event is fired before ConnectionHandshakeEvent
type ConnectionEvent struct {
conn net.Conn
original ConnectionEventConn
// Connection returns the connection.
func (e *ConnectionEvent) Connection() net.Conn {
return e.conn
// OriginalConnection returns the original connection.
func (e *ConnectionEvent) OriginalConnection() ConnectionEventConn {
return e.original
// SetConnection sets new connection to use for this connection.
func (e *ConnectionEvent) SetConnection(conn net.Conn) {
e.conn = conn
// ConnectionHandshakeEvent is fired when a handshake
// is established between a client and the proxy.
type ConnectionHandshakeEvent struct {
inbound Inbound
intent packet.HandshakeIntent
// Connection returns the inbound connection.
func (e *ConnectionHandshakeEvent) Connection() Inbound {
return e.inbound
// Intent returns the handshake intent.
func (e *ConnectionHandshakeEvent) Intent() packet.HandshakeIntent {
return e.intent
// GameProfileRequestEvent is fired after the PreLoginEvent in
// order to set up the game profile for the user.
// This can be used to configure a custom profile for a user, i.e. skin replacement.
type GameProfileRequestEvent struct {
inbound Inbound
original profile.GameProfile
onlineMode bool
use profile.GameProfile
// NewGameProfileRequestEvent creates a new GameProfileRequestEvent.
func NewGameProfileRequestEvent(
inbound Inbound,
original profile.GameProfile,
onlineMode bool,
) *GameProfileRequestEvent {
return &GameProfileRequestEvent{
inbound: inbound,
original: original,
onlineMode: onlineMode,
// Conn returns the inbound connection that is connecting to the proxy.
func (e *GameProfileRequestEvent) Conn() Inbound {
return e.inbound
// Original returns the by the proxy created offline or online (Mojang authenticated) game profile.
func (e *GameProfileRequestEvent) Original() profile.GameProfile {
return e.original
// OnlineMode specifies whether the user connected in online/offline mode.
func (e *GameProfileRequestEvent) OnlineMode() bool {
return e.onlineMode
// SetGameProfile sets the profile to use for this connection.
func (e *GameProfileRequestEvent) SetGameProfile(p profile.GameProfile) {
e.use = p
// GameProfile returns the game profile that will be used to initialize the connection with.
// Should no profile be set, the original profile (given by the proxy) will be used.
func (e *GameProfileRequestEvent) GameProfile() profile.GameProfile {
if len(e.use.Name) == 0 {
return e.original
return e.use
// PlayerModInfoEvent is fired when a Forge client sends its
// mods to the proxy while connecting to a server.
type PlayerModInfoEvent struct {
player Player
modInfo modinfo.ModInfo
// Player returns the player who sent the mod info.
func (e *PlayerModInfoEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// ModInfo is the mod info received by the player.
func (e *PlayerModInfoEvent) ModInfo() modinfo.ModInfo {
return e.modInfo
// PermissionsSetupEvent is fired once a permission.Subject's
// permissions are being initialized.
type PermissionsSetupEvent struct {
subject permission.Subject
defaultFunc permission.Func
fn permission.Func
// Subject returns the subject the permissions are setup for.
func (p *PermissionsSetupEvent) Subject() permission.Subject {
return p.subject
// Func returns the permission.Func used for the subject.
func (p *PermissionsSetupEvent) Func() permission.Func {
if p.fn == nil {
return p.defaultFunc
return p.fn
// SetFunc sets the permission.Func usec for the subject.
// If fn is nil, the default Func fill be used.
func (p *PermissionsSetupEvent) SetFunc(fn permission.Func) {
if fn == nil {
p.fn = fn
// PreLoginEvent is fired when a player has initiated a connection with the proxy
// but before the proxy authenticates the player with Mojang or before the player's proxy connection
// is fully established (for offline mode).
type PreLoginEvent struct {
connection Inbound
username string
id uuid.UUID // player's uuid, nil-able
result PreLoginResult
reason component.Component
func newPreLoginEvent(conn Inbound, username string, id uuid.UUID) *PreLoginEvent {
return &PreLoginEvent{
connection: conn,
username: username,
id: id,
result: AllowedPreLogin,
// PreLoginResult is the result of a PreLoginEvent.
type PreLoginResult uint8
// PreLoginResult values.
const (
AllowedPreLogin PreLoginResult = iota
// Username returns the username of the player.
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Username() string {
return e.username
// ID returns the UUID of the connecting player. May be uuid.Nil!
// This value is nil on 1.19.2 and lower,
// up to 1.20.1 it is optional and from 1.20.2 it will always be available.
func (e *PreLoginEvent) ID() (uuid.UUID, bool) {
return, != uuid.Nil
// Conn returns the inbound connection that is connecting to the proxy.
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Conn() Inbound {
return e.connection
// Result returns the current result of the PreLoginEvent.
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Result() PreLoginResult {
return e.result
// Reason returns the `deny reason` to disconnect the connection.
// May be nil!
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Reason() component.Component {
return e.reason
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Deny(reason component.Component) {
e.result = DeniedPreLogin
e.reason = reason
func (e *PreLoginEvent) Allow() {
e.result = AllowedPreLogin
e.reason = nil
func (e *PreLoginEvent) ForceOnlineMode() {
e.result = ForceOnlineModePreLogin
e.reason = nil
func (e *PreLoginEvent) ForceOfflineMode() {
e.result = ForceOfflineModePreLogin
e.reason = nil
type LoginEvent struct {
player Player
denied bool
reason component.Component
func (e *LoginEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
func (e *LoginEvent) Deny(reason component.Component) {
e.denied = true
e.reason = reason
func (e *LoginEvent) Allow() {
e.denied = false
e.reason = nil
func (e *LoginEvent) Allowed() bool {
return !e.denied
// Is nil if Allowed() returns true
func (e *LoginEvent) Reason() component.Component {
return e.reason
type DisconnectEvent struct {
player Player
loginStatus LoginStatus
type LoginStatus uint8
const (
SuccessfulLoginStatus LoginStatus = iota
func (e *DisconnectEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
func (e *DisconnectEvent) LoginStatus() LoginStatus {
return e.loginStatus
type PostLoginEvent struct {
player Player
func (e *PostLoginEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// PlayerChooseInitialServerEvent is fired when a player has finished the login process,
// and we need to choose the first server to connect to.
// The proxy will wait on this event to finish firing before initiating the connection
// but you should try to limit the work done in this event.
// Failures will be handled by KickedFromServerEvent as normal.
type PlayerChooseInitialServerEvent struct {
player Player
initialServer RegisteredServer // May be nil if no server is configured.
// Player returns the player to find the initial server for.
func (e *PlayerChooseInitialServerEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// InitialServer returns the initial server or nil if no server is configured.
func (e *PlayerChooseInitialServerEvent) InitialServer() RegisteredServer {
return e.initialServer
// SetInitialServer sets the initial server for the player.
func (e *PlayerChooseInitialServerEvent) SetInitialServer(server RegisteredServer) {
e.initialServer = server
// ServerPreConnectEvent is fired before the player connects to a server.
type ServerPreConnectEvent struct {
player Player
original RegisteredServer
server RegisteredServer
func newServerPreConnectEvent(player Player, server RegisteredServer) *ServerPreConnectEvent {
return &ServerPreConnectEvent{
player: player,
original: server,
server: server,
// Player returns the player that tries to connect to another server.
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// OriginalServer returns the server that the player originally tried to connect to.
// To get the server the player will connect to, see the Server() of this event.
// To get the server the player is currently on when this event is fired, use Player.getCurrentServer().
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) OriginalServer() RegisteredServer {
return e.original
// Allow the player to connect to the specified server.
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) Allow(server RegisteredServer) {
e.server = server
// Deny will cancel the player to connect to another server.
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) Deny() {
e.server = nil
// Allowed returns true whether the connection is allowed.
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) Allowed() bool {
return e.server != nil
// Server returns the server the player will connect to OR
// nil if Allowed() returns false.
func (e *ServerPreConnectEvent) Server() RegisteredServer {
return e.server
// PreTransferEvent is fired before a player is transferred to another host,
// either by the backend server or by a plugin using the Player.TransferTo method.
type PreTransferEvent struct {
player Player
originalAddr net.Addr
targetAddr net.Addr
denied bool
func newPreTransferEvent(player Player, addr net.Addr) *PreTransferEvent {
return &PreTransferEvent{
player: player,
originalAddr: addr,
targetAddr: addr,
// TransferTo changes the target address the player will be transferred to.
func (e *PreTransferEvent) TransferTo(addr net.Addr) {
e.targetAddr = addr
e.denied = false
// Addr returns the target address the player will be transferred to.
func (e *PreTransferEvent) Addr() net.Addr {
return e.targetAddr
// Allowed returns true if the transfer is allowed.
func (e *PreTransferEvent) Allowed() bool {
return !e.denied
// Player returns the player that is about to be transferred.
func (e *PreTransferEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// Fired when a player is kicked from a server. You may either allow the proxy to kick the player
// (with an optional reason override) or redirect the player to a separate server. By default,
// the proxy will notify the user (if they are already connected to a server) or disconnect them
// (if they are not on a server and no other servers are available).
type KickedFromServerEvent struct {
player Player
server RegisteredServer
originalReason component.Component // May be nil!
duringServerConnect bool
result ServerKickResult
// ServerKickResult is the result of a KickedFromServerEvent and is implemented by
// # DisconnectPlayerKickResult
// # RedirectPlayerKickResult
// NotifyKickResult
type ServerKickResult interface {
isServerKickResult() // assert implemented internally
var (
_ ServerKickResult = (*DisconnectPlayerKickResult)(nil)
_ ServerKickResult = (*RedirectPlayerKickResult)(nil)
_ ServerKickResult = (*NotifyKickResult)(nil)
func newKickedFromServerEvent(
player Player, server RegisteredServer,
reason component.Component, duringServerConnect bool,
initialResult ServerKickResult,
) *KickedFromServerEvent {
return &KickedFromServerEvent{
player: player,
server: server,
originalReason: reason,
duringServerConnect: duringServerConnect,
result: initialResult,
// Player returns the player that got kicked.
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// Server returns the server the player got kicked from.
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) Server() RegisteredServer {
return e.server
// OriginalReason returns the reason the server kicked the player from the server.
// May return nil!
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) OriginalReason() component.Component {
return e.originalReason
// KickedDuringServerConnect returns true if the player got kicked while connecting to another server.
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) KickedDuringServerConnect() bool {
return e.duringServerConnect
// Result returns current kick result.
// The proxy sets a default non-nil result but an event handler
// may has set it nil when handling the event.
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) Result() ServerKickResult {
return e.result
// SetResult sets the kick result.
func (e *KickedFromServerEvent) SetResult(result ServerKickResult) {
e.result = result
// DisconnectPlayerKickResult is a ServerKickResult and
// tells the proxy to disconnect the player with the specified reason.
type DisconnectPlayerKickResult struct {
Reason component.Component
func (*DisconnectPlayerKickResult) isServerKickResult() {}
// RedirectPlayerKickResult is a ServerKickResult and
// tells the proxy to redirect the player to another server.
type RedirectPlayerKickResult struct {
Server RegisteredServer // The new server to redirect the kicked player to.
Message component.Component // Optional message sent to the player after redirecting.
func (*RedirectPlayerKickResult) isServerKickResult() {}
// NotifyKickResult is ServerKickResult and
// notifies the player with the specified message but does nothing else.
// This is only a valid result to use if the player was trying to connect
// to a different server, otherwise it is treated like a DisconnectPlayerKickResult result.
type NotifyKickResult struct {
Message component.Component
func (*NotifyKickResult) isServerKickResult() {}
// ServerConnectedEvent is fired before the player completely transitions
// to the target server and the connection to the previous server has been
// de-established.
// Use Server to get the target server since Player.CurrentServer is yet nil or
// listen for ServerPostConnectEvent instead.
type ServerConnectedEvent struct {
player Player
server RegisteredServer
previousServer RegisteredServer // nil-able
entityID int
// Player returns the associated player.
func (s *ServerConnectedEvent) Player() Player {
return s.player
// Server returns the server the player connected to.
func (s *ServerConnectedEvent) Server() RegisteredServer {
return s.server
// PreviousServer returns the server the player was previously connected to.
// May return nil if there was none!
func (s *ServerConnectedEvent) PreviousServer() RegisteredServer {
return s.previousServer
// EntityID returns the current entity ID of the player.
// This is the entity ID the player has on the connected server and changes
// every time the player connects to a new server.
func (s *ServerConnectedEvent) EntityID() int {
return s.entityID
// ServerPostConnectEvent is fired after the player has connected to a server.
// The server the player is now connected to is available in Player().CurrentServer().
type ServerPostConnectEvent struct {
player Player
previousServer RegisteredServer // nil-able
func newServerPostConnectEvent(player Player, previousServer RegisteredServer) *ServerPostConnectEvent {
return &ServerPostConnectEvent{player: player, previousServer: previousServer}
// Player returns the associated player.
func (s *ServerPostConnectEvent) Player() Player {
return s.player
// PreviousServer returns the server the player was previously connected to.
// May return nil if there was none!
func (s *ServerPostConnectEvent) PreviousServer() RegisteredServer {
return s.previousServer
// PluginMessageEvent is fired when a plugin message is sent to the proxy,
// either from a player or a server backend server.
type PluginMessageEvent struct {
source message.ChannelMessageSource
target message.ChannelMessageSink
identifier message.ChannelIdentifier
data []byte
forward bool
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) Source() message.ChannelMessageSource {
return p.source
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) Target() message.ChannelMessageSink {
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) Identifier() message.ChannelIdentifier {
return p.identifier
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) Data() []byte {
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) SetForward(forward bool) {
p.forward = forward
func (p *PluginMessageEvent) Allowed() bool {
return p.forward
type PlayerSettingsChangedEvent struct {
player Player
settings player.Settings
// Player returns the player whose settings where updates/initialized.
func (s *PlayerSettingsChangedEvent) Player() Player {
return s.player
// Settings returns player's new settings.
func (s *PlayerSettingsChangedEvent) Settings() player.Settings {
return s.settings
// PlayerChatEvent is fired when a player sends a chat message.
// Note that messages with a leading "/" do not trigger this event, but instead CommandExecuteEvent.
type PlayerChatEvent struct {
player Player
original string
modified string
denied bool
// Player returns the player that sent the message.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) Player() Player {
return c.player
// Message returns the message that will be sent by the player.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) Message() string {
if c.modified == "" {
return c.original
return c.modified
// SetMessage modifies the message of the player.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) SetMessage(msg string) {
if msg == c.original {
return // not modified
c.modified = msg
// Original returns the original message the player sent.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) Original() string {
return c.original
// SetAllowed sets whether the chat message is allowed.
// Deprecated: for 1.19.1 and newer, set this as denied will kick users.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) SetAllowed(allowed bool) {
c.denied = !allowed
// Allowed returns true when the chat message is allowed.
func (c *PlayerChatEvent) Allowed() bool {
return !c.denied
// CommandExecuteEvent is fired when someone wants to execute a command.
type CommandExecuteEvent struct {
source command.Source
commandline string
originalCommand string
forward bool // forward command to server
denied bool
// Source returns the command source that wants to run the command.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) Source() command.Source {
return c.source
// Command returns the whole commandline without the leading "/".
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) Command() string {
return c.commandline
// OriginalCommand returns the original command if SetCommand has changed it.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) OriginalCommand() string {
return c.originalCommand
// SetCommand changes the command being executed without the leading "/".
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) SetCommand(commandline string) {
c.commandline = commandline
// SetAllowed sets whether the command is allowed to be executed.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) SetAllowed(allowed bool) {
c.denied = !allowed
// Allowed returns true when the command is allowed to be executed.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) Allowed() bool {
return !c.denied
// SetForward sets whether the command should be forwarded to the server.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) SetForward(forward bool) {
c.forward = forward
// Forward returns true when the command should be forwarded to the server.
func (c *CommandExecuteEvent) Forward() bool {
return c.forward
// TabCompleteEvent is fired after a tab complete response is sent by the remote server,
// for clients on1.12.2 and below. You have the opportunity to modify the response sent
// to the remote player.
type TabCompleteEvent struct {
player Player
partialMessage string
suggestions []string
// Player returns the player requesting the tab completion.
func (t *TabCompleteEvent) Player() Player {
return t.player
// Suggestions returns all the suggestions provided to the user, as a mutable list.
func (t *TabCompleteEvent) Suggestions() []string {
return t.suggestions
// SetSuggestions sets the suggestions provided to the user.
func (t *TabCompleteEvent) SetSuggestions(s []string) {
t.suggestions = s
// PartialMessage returns the message being partially completed.
func (t *TabCompleteEvent) PartialMessage() string {
return t.partialMessage
// PlayerAvailableCommandsEvent allows plugins to modify the packet
// indicating commands available on the server to a Minecraft 1.13+ client.
type PlayerAvailableCommandsEvent struct {
player Player
rootNode *brigodier.RootCommandNode
// Player returns the player that is about to see the available commands.
func (p *PlayerAvailableCommandsEvent) Player() Player {
return p.player
// RootNode returns the available commands to the Player.
func (p *PlayerAvailableCommandsEvent) RootNode() *brigodier.RootCommandNode {
return p.rootNode
// ResourcePackResponseStatus represents the possible statuses for the resource pack.
type ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.ResponseStatus
// Possible statuses for a resource pack.
const (
// SuccessfulResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the resource pack was applied successfully.
SuccessfulResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.SuccessfulResponseStatus
// DeclinedResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the player declined to download the resource pack.
DeclinedResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.DeclinedResponseStatus
// FailedDownloadResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the player could not download the resource pack.
FailedDownloadResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.FailedDownloadResponseStatus
// AcceptedResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the player has accepted the resource pack and is now downloading it.
AcceptedResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.AcceptedResponseStatus
// DownloadedResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the player has downloaded the resource pack.
DownloadedResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.DownloadedResponseStatus
// InvalidURLResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the URL of the resource pack failed to load.
InvalidURLResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.InvalidURLResponseStatus
// FailedToReloadResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the player failed to reload the resource pack.
FailedToReloadResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.FailedToReloadResponseStatus
// DiscardedResourcePackResponseStatus indicates the resource pack was discarded.
DiscardedResourcePackResponseStatus ResourcePackResponseStatus = resourcepack.DiscardedResponseStatus
// PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent is fired when the status of a resource pack sent to the player by the server is
// changed. Depending on the result of this event (which the proxy will wait until completely fired),
// the player may be kicked from the server.
type PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent = resourcepack.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent
// ServerResourcePackSendEvent is fired when the downstream server tries to send a player a ResourcePack packet.
// The proxy will wait on this event to finish before forwarding the resource pack to the user.
// If this event is denied, it will retroactively send a DENIED status to the downstream server in response.
// If the downstream server has it set to "forced" it will forcefully disconnect the user.
type ServerResourcePackSendEvent struct {
denied bool
receivedResourcePack ResourcePackInfo
providedResourcePack ResourcePackInfo
serverConn *serverConnection
// newServerResourcePackSendEvent creates a new ServerResourcePackSendEvent.
func newServerResourcePackSendEvent(
packInfo ResourcePackInfo,
serverConn *serverConnection,
) *ServerResourcePackSendEvent {
return &ServerResourcePackSendEvent{
receivedResourcePack: packInfo,
providedResourcePack: packInfo,
serverConn: serverConn,
// Allowed indicated whether sending the resource pack to the client is allowed.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) Allowed() bool {
return !e.denied
// SetAllowed allows or denies sending the resource pack to the client.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) SetAllowed(allowed bool) {
e.denied = !allowed
// ServerConnection returns the associated server connection.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) ServerConnection() ServerConnection {
return e.serverConn
// ReceivedResourcePack returns the resource pack send by the server.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) ReceivedResourcePack() ResourcePackInfo {
return e.receivedResourcePack
// ProvidedResourcePack returns the resource pack provided to the client if allowed.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) ProvidedResourcePack() ResourcePackInfo {
return e.providedResourcePack
// SetProvidedResourcePack sets the resource pack provided to the client if allowed.
func (e *ServerResourcePackSendEvent) SetProvidedResourcePack(pack ResourcePackInfo) {
e.providedResourcePack = pack
// PlayerChannelRegisterEvent is fired when a client Player sends a plugin message through the
// register channel. The proxy will not wait on this event to finish firing.
type PlayerChannelRegisterEvent struct {
channels []message.ChannelIdentifier
player Player
func (e *PlayerChannelRegisterEvent) Channels() []message.ChannelIdentifier {
return e.channels
func (e *PlayerChannelRegisterEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
// ServerLoginPluginMessageEvent is fired when a server sends a login plugin message to the proxy.
// Plugins have the opportunity to respond to the messages as needed. The proxy will wait on this
// event to finish. The server will be responsible for continuing the login process once the server
// is satisfied with any login plugin responses sent by proxy plugins (or messages indicating a lack of response).
type ServerLoginPluginMessageEvent struct {
id message.ChannelIdentifier
contents []byte
sequenceID int
result ServerLoginPluginMessageResult
// Contents returns the contents of the login plugin message sent by the server.
func (e *ServerLoginPluginMessageEvent) Contents() []byte {
return e.contents
// SequenceID returns the sequence id of the login plugin message sent by the server.
func (e *ServerLoginPluginMessageEvent) SequenceID() int {
return e.sequenceID
func (e *ServerLoginPluginMessageEvent) Result() *ServerLoginPluginMessageResult {
return &e.result
type ServerLoginPluginMessageResult struct {
Response []byte
func (r *ServerLoginPluginMessageResult) Allowed() bool {
return r.Response != nil
func (r *ServerLoginPluginMessageResult) Copy() []byte {
res := make([]byte, len(r.Response))
copy(res, r.Response)
return res
func (r *ServerLoginPluginMessageResult) Reply(response []byte) *ServerLoginPluginMessageResult {
return &ServerLoginPluginMessageResult{
Response: response,
// PlayerClientBrandEvent is fired when a Player sends the `minecraft:brand` plugin message.
// The proxy will not wait on event handlers to finish firing.
type PlayerClientBrandEvent struct {
player Player
brand string
func (e *PlayerClientBrandEvent) Player() Player {
return e.player
func (e *PlayerClientBrandEvent) Brand() string {
return e.brand
// PreShutdownEvent is fired before the proxy begins to shut down by
// stopping to accept new connections and disconnect all players.
type PreShutdownEvent struct {
reason component.Component // may be nil
// Reason returns the shutdown reason used to disconnect players with.
// May be nil!
func (s *PreShutdownEvent) Reason() component.Component {
return s.reason
// SetReason sets the shutdown reason used to disconnect players with.
func (s *PreShutdownEvent) SetReason(reason component.Component) {
s.reason = reason
// ReadyEvent is fired once the proxy was successfully
// initialized and is ready to serve connections.
// May be triggered multiple times on config reloads.
type ReadyEvent struct {
addr string // The address the proxy is listening on.
// Addr returns the address the proxy is listening on.
func (r *ReadyEvent) Addr() string { return r.addr }
// ShutdownEvent is fired by the proxy after the proxy
// has stopped accepting connections and PreShutdownEvent,
// but before the proxy process exits.
// Subscribe to this event to gracefully stop any subtasks,
// such as plugin dependencies.
type ShutdownEvent struct{}