# Gate proxy configuration for Minecraft Java Edition
# The bind address to listen for Minecraft client connections.
# Whether to use the proxy in online (authenticate players with Mojang API) or offline mode (not recommended).
onlineMode: true
# Registers servers with the proxy by giving the address of backend server a custom reference name.
# Server name: server address
server1: localhost:25566
server2: localhost:25567
server3: localhost:25568
server4: localhost:25569
# The list of servers to try (ordered) to connect a player to
# upon login or fallback when a player is kicked from a server.
- server1
- server2
- server3
- server4
# Configure the response for server list pings.
# The message of the day in legacy '§' format or modern text component '{"text":"...", ...}' json.
motd: |
§bA Gate Proxy
§bVisit ➞ §
# The maximum players shown (is not the actual player limit!).
showMaxPlayers: 1000
# The server image (optimal 64x64); a path of an image file or the base64 data uri.
favicon: 
# Whether to log ping requests in the console.
logPingRequests: false
# Whether the proxy should present itself as Forge/FML-compatible server.
announceForge: false
# Allows players transferred from other hosts via the
# Transfer packet (Minecraft 1.20.5) to be received.
# Default: false
acceptTransfers: false
# Whether the proxy should support bungee plugin channels.
# (Disable this if your backend servers are untrusted.)
bungeePluginChannelEnabled: true
# Whether to register builtin commands on proxy start.
# Default: true
builtinCommands: true
# Whether players require permissions to
# execute a builtin proxy command like /server.
# Ignore this if `builtinCommands` is set to false.
# (This should be set to true in production environments.)
# Default: false
requireBuiltinCommandPermissions: false
# Declares the proxy commands to 1.13+ clients.
# Default: true
announceProxyCommands: true
# Should the proxy enforce the new public key
# security standard added in Minecraft 1.19?
# Default: true
forceKeyAuthentication: true
# The default disconnect reason to kick player on proxy shutdown when no other reason was given.
# Either in simple legacy '§' format or modern text component '{"text":"...", ...}' json.
shutdownReason: |
§cGate proxy is shutting down...
Please reconnect in a moment!
# Packet compression settings.
# The minimum size (in bytes) a packet must be before the proxy compresses it.
# The Minecraft vanilla server uses 256 by default.
threshold: 256
# Indicates what zlib compression level Gate should use.
# It goes from -1 to 9 where zero means no compression and -1 the default.
level: -1
# The time Gate waits to connect to a server before timing out.
connectionTimeout: 5s
# The time Gate waits to receive data from a server before timing out.
# If you use Forge, you may need to increase this setting.
readTimeout: 30s
# Whether to reconnect the player when disconnected from a server.
failoverOnUnexpectedServerDisconnect: true
# Whether to kick existing connected player when an online-mode player with the same name joins.
# This is useful for scenarios where the real Minecraft account takes precedence over the cracked one.
# Note that enabling this would allow real Minecraft account players to bully cracked players by
# taking the cracked player's name and block them from joining the server, while the online player is connected.
# Default: false
onlineModeKickExistingPlayers: false
# Enabled extra debug logging (only for debugging purposes).
debug: false
# This allows you to customize how player information such as IPs and UUIDs are forwarded to your server.
# See the documentation for more information.
# Options: legacy, none, bungeeguard, velocity
mode: legacy
# The secret used if the mode is velocity.
#velocitySecret: secret_here
# The secret used if the mode is bungeeguard.
#bungeeGuardSecret: secret_here
# Proxy protocol (HA-Proxy) determines whether Gate should support proxy protocol for players.
# Do not enable this if you don't know what it is.
proxyProtocol: false
# The quota settings allows rate-limiting IP (last block cut off) for certain operations.
# ops: The allowed operations per second.
# burst: The maximum operations per second (queue like). One burst unit per seconds is refilled.
# maxEntries: The maximum IPs to keep track of in cache for rate-limiting (if full, deletes oldest).
# Limit how many new connections can be established by the same IP range.
enabled: true
ops: 5
burst: 10
maxEntries: 1000
# Limit how many login requests can be made by the same IP range.
enabled: true
burst: 3
ops: 0.4
maxEntries: 1000
# Whether and how Gate should reply to GameSpy 4 (Minecraft query protocol on UDP) requests.
enabled: false
port: 25577
showPlugins: false
# Customize the base URL for the Mojang session server to authenticate online mode players using different authentication servers.
# Defaults to
# Lite mode is a lightweight reverse proxy mode that acts as thin layer between the client and the backend server.
# See
# It efficiently routes client connections based on the virtual host address received in the handshake packet.
# This allows to protect multiple backend servers behind a single port Gate Lite proxy instance.
# Player connections (including ping requests and player authentication) is forwarded to the destined backend server.
# This means Lite mode supports proxy behind proxy setups, but advanced features like server switching or proxy commands are no longer available
# and have no effect in Lite mode when extensions use higher level Gate APIs and events.
# Enable Lite mode.
# If disabled, the proxy will act as a full proxy with all features enabled just like BungeeCord/Velocity.
# If enabled, the proxy will act as a lightweight reverse proxy to support new types of deployment architecture.
# Default: false
enabled: false
# The routes that the proxy redirects player connections to based on matching the virtual host address.
# The routes are matched in order of appearance.
# Examples:
# Match the virtual host address to the backend server.
- host: localhost
# The backend server to connect to if matched.
backend: localhost:25566
# The optional fallback status response when all backends of this route are offline.
motd: |
§cLocalhost server is offline.
§eCheck back later!
name: '§cTry again later!'
protocol: -1
# online: 0
# max: 1000
# The optional favicon to show in the server list (optimal 64x64).
# Accepts a path of an image file or the base64 data uri.
favicon: 
# You can also use * wildcard to match any subdomain.
- host: '*'
proxyProtocol: true # Use proxy protocol to connect to backend.
tcpShieldRealIP: true # Optionally you can also use TCPShield's RealIP protocol.
# You can also match to multiple hosts to one or multiple random backends.
- host: [, localhost ]
backend: [, ]
# Ping responses are cached per backend address by default.
# To disable motd caching set it to -1.
# Default: 10s
cachePingTTL: 60s
# Modifies the virtual host to match the backend address in the handshake request.
# This is useful when backends require players to connect with a specific domain.
# Lite will modify the player's handshake packet's virtual host field from `localhost` -> ``
# before forwarding the connection to the backend.
# Default: false
modifyVirtualHost: true
# Match all as last item routes any other host to a default backend.
- host: '*'
motd: §eNo server available for this host.
name: §eTry
protocol: -1
# online: 0
# max: 1000
#favicon: server-icon.png
# Configuration for Connect, a network that organizes all Minecraft servers/proxies
# and makes them universally accessible for all players.
# Among a lot of other features it even allows players to join locally hosted
# Minecraft servers without having an open port or public IP address.
# Visit
# Enabling Connect makes Gate register itself to Connect network.
# This feature is disabled by default, but you are encouraged to
# enable it and get empowered by the additional network services
# and by the growing community in this ecosystem.
enabled: false
# The endpoint name is a globally unique identifier of your server.
# If Connect is enabled, but no name is specified a random name is
# generated on every restart (only recommended for testing).
# It is supported to run multiple Gates on the same endpoint name for load balancing
# (use the same connect.json token file from first Gate instance).
#name: your-endpoint-name
# Gate HTTP API configuration.
# See for more information.
# Whether to enable the API for Gate.
# Default: false
enabled: false
# The bind address to listen for API connections.
# Default: localhost:8080
bind: localhost:8080